Registration Terms & Conditions

IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLEASE READ THROUGH THESE TERMS CAREFULLY. This document (these “Terms of Registration” or “Terms & Conditions”) describes the terms under which SCI-INDEX, LTD offers each individual or entity (hereinafter, ” Customer”) access to various service and solutions through the SCI-INDEX website and branded mobile device applications (the “Site”) for which service-specific terms are not already located at, including but not limited to Event management, Indexing & impact, Technologies & solutions, and registration.
To access one of the SCI-INDEX services, you are invited to register using one of the available registration packages, all physical items included in your package will be delivered during the conference day(s), and electronic items will be delivered electronically to your email.
Event Registration:
This section describes the Registration Terms and Conditions which are applied to all scientific events organized by SCI-INDEX LTD.
By completing your registering , you confirm that you have read and agree to be bound by Sci-Index Registration Terms, Refund Policy, General Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.
Sci-Index may request an ID card and photo to complete the registration and reserves the right to refuse entry or remove anyone from the event. To attend one of the Sci-Index scientific events, you must register using one of the available registration packages (Student, Non-Student, Speaker or listener), all physical items included in your package will be delivered during the conference day(s), and electronic items will be delivered electronically to your email. If you can’t attend the conference, you can register using the virtual packages, where your presentation will be through a recorded or a streaming video. In this case, there are no physical items in your package, and all other electronic items included in your package will be delivered electronically to your email. Sci-Index offers the registration category Listener/Accompanying a person for those who just want to attend the conference as a listener or want to accompanying a person with them. Each paper must be registered by one author, if the co-author would like to attend he/she must register as a listener. Subscribers must cover the transfer cost from their (Bank account or PayPal account or credit card) to Sci-Index Bank account. Please note that VAT is included in the registrations. Confirmation that registrations have been received will be emailed by return; please contact the company if you do not hear from us within 5 working days of sending or submitting your form. Delegates must take their responsibility about hotel reservation (booking room), travel from their country to the event venue, travel from the event venue airport to the event venue and travel from event venue to their country in return. Sci-Index reserves the right to alter the program, event dates, and event venue due to unforeseen circumstances. Sci-Index reserves the right to reject any paper after registration, in case if the event committee found any plagiarism or ethical issues, without refund. While we endeavor to deliver the event program as published Sci-Index reserves the right to make any changes it deems fit to the event program. Occasionally speakers may cancel and/or topics may change and no guarantee is given that any given speaker or topic in the program will take place. We reserve the right to adjust pricing as market conditions dictate.
Registration Methods:
Bank Transfer, Credit & Debit Card, Paysera, PayPal.
Registration Currency:
All registrations in all registration categories are in Euros (€), USD ($) or GBP (£)
Refund Policy:
Sci-Index may, in its sole discretion and at any time, cancel or refuse from any individual or company the following: registrations, applications, purchases, and/or hotel reservations made through Sci-Index. The company will not be responsible for any penalty, fee, loss, or expense that might result from such action. Cancellations received 02 Months prior to any Sci-Index scientific event incur a 25% processing/administrative fee. Refunds will be issued within 30 days after event. in order to receive a refund, notify our registration department by 02 Months prior to Any Sci-Index organized event. Cancellations less than 02 Months prior to the event are 10% refundable. All requests for refunds must be made in writing to registration@sci-Index .com by the cancellation date. No verbal requests will be taken: After 10 days of registration: 40% of the paid registration fee will be refunded. We cannot, under any circumstances (including, but not limited to, failure to use Sci-Index credentials due to illness, acts of God, travel-related problems, acts of terrorism, loss of employment and duplicate purchase) give you a full refund for the registration fee.
General Information:
Unused registrations/applications have no monetary value and cannot be credited to future years or events. Sci-Index will not issue refunds or credits due to failure to redeem a discount coupon during the registration process. Discounted prices are based on the date payment is received in the Sci-Index Account. Lost or stolen badges will not be replaced. A new badge will need to be purchased for continued access to the organized events, including showcases, parties and event content. Sci-Index will not issue refunds for credentials that have been revoked. Sci-Index reserves the right to revoke a credential for any reason (for example, if anyone other than the authorized individual tries to use a badge).
Permission to Email: By registering for a Sci-Index event, you agree to receive e-mail notifications about future Sci-Index events and other Sci-Index products and services. Just click the “unsubscribe” link in any e-mail received to stop receiving notifications. Note: Your e-mail address will never be sold or rented to others.
Photography, Audio & Video Recording: Sci-Index sessions may be recorded in still, audio, and video formats by Sci-Index. By your attendance, you give Sci-Index permission to be photographed, recorded or videotaped. You agree that Sci-Index may use these images or recordings in sale or commercial promotion of the conference or related media. Sessions may be audio recorded without special permission but only for personal use. They cannot be placed online or transmitted to others without permission. Sessions may be videoed only with special permission for personal use and also cannot be placed online or transmitted to others. Short audio and video clips may be used for blogging and press coverage of session. As a general guide, non-contiguous clips of one minute or less should be used. Contact Us if you need guidance about longer clips.
A 25% processing fee will be assessed to change the name on a registration prior to 90 days before the event. Sci-Index badges and wristbands are issued to authorized individuals and can be picked up and used only by the authorized individual named. Sci-Index badges and wristbands are non-transferable after they have been picked up. All Sci-Index badges and wristbands are property of Sci-Index. Event admission is subject to venue capacity and age restrictions in compliance with state and local laws. Age restrictions are specific to each venue. Sci-Index badges or wristbands may not be used as a prize in any form of contest, game, or sweepstakes without written pre-approval from Sci-Index. You represent and warrant to Sci-Index that you have full authority to complete this registration your behalf and/or any other party you are registering (the “Registered Parties”), including full authority to make use of the credit card or debit card to which registration fees will be charged. By registering for a Sci-Index event, you agree to receive e-mail notifications about future Sci-Index events and other Sci-Index products and services. You may “unsubscribe” using the link in any e-mail received. Note: Your e-mail address will never be sold or rented to others. You understand that participating in the sci-index event is voluntary and may involve certain risks of physical injury, damage to property, and other damages are losses that you may sustain. You assume all risk of damages, property loss, and personal injury which may occur by participating in the Events. NO EVENT SHALL Sci-Index BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY INJURY OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS, INCLUDING ANY DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE OR SIMILAR DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF CUSTOMER’S USE OF THE REGISTRATION AND/OR PARTICIPATION IN THE EVENTS, EVEN IF Sci-Index HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold Sci-Index and its officers, employees, volunteers, and representatives harmless from and against any and all claims, demands and all other liabilities, including, but not limited to, costs and attorneys’ fees, made by any third party arising out of or in connection with Customer’s use of the registration(s) or violation of the Terms.
Sci-Index reserves the right to make changes to the Terms at any time. In the event that any term or provision of the Terms shall be deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such term or provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining term or provision.
Latest update: October 20, 2020